CS 7052: Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing
University of Cincinnati
Spring 2025

Instructor: Tianyu Jiang
Time: TuTh 11 am - 12:20 pm
Location: Baldwin 757
Office Hour:
     Tianyu Jiang, Mon 10-11 am, Rhodes Hall 889

Course Description
The course explores current developments in natural language processing (NLP), emphasizing emerging research topics and state-of-the-art techniques. The course is aimed to prepare you to conduct cutting-edge research in NLP. The course focuses on conceptual understanding and research rather than engineering or software usage. You will engage in substantial reading, ask critical questions and brainstorm new ideas. Discussions and active participation is required for the class.

  • Attendance: 20%
  • Presentation: 40%
  • Review: 20%
  • Scribe's Notes: 20%

  • Late Policy: 24 hour grace period with 10% penalty. No points after 24 hours.
    Electronic Submission: We use a shared Google Drive folder for all materials.

    This course assumes you have taken CS5134/6034 Natural Language Processing or have a equivalent background (good knowledge of NLP basics and deep learning). The class is mainly for graduate students in computer science. Senior undergraduates or students from other departments will need Prof Jiang's permission.

    Schedule (Tentative)
    Week Date Topic Reading Optional Reading